About Us
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Mario's Amato Gelato
Proudly owned by:
"Vancouver's Pioneer of Gelato"
Going all the way back to 1929, in a very small town in rural Italy, Mario, of Mario's Gelati was first taught the art of gelato creation by his father & grandfather. Secret recipes and techniques were passed down to Mario which he kept close to his heart for many, many years. It was through a natural progression that those gelato secrets became a reality with the opening of Mario's Gelati. As a wholesale gelato company, it was very difficult for the general public to get their hands on the frozen treats they had been enjoying in restaurants, hotels & similar establishments for so many years.
As a result, and due to many requests from Vancouver locals, Amato Gelato was officially opened, lovingly named after the hometown and place where Mario's recipes and passion for gelato-making originated.
Four generations later, Amato & Mario's Gelati continue the family tradition by making high quality gelato, carefully crafted from the finest ingredients for everyone to enjoy.
At Amato Gelato & Mario's Gelati, our motto is, "You lick it, you'll like it!" Because one taste says it all!
over 85 Years of history; still serving.